Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Project Profile - Kate

Kate Minister of Manchester, England is working with Patrice Martin to further her knowledge of ceramic styles and techniques. A typical day includes focused time on the wheel, throwing bowls, plates, and cups. In addition, Kate has been working as a teaching assistant in many of Patrice's Ceramic Skills classes. 

Kate is completing an abbreviated Senior Project, which requires that she devote a minimum of 15 hours a week involved with specific aspects of her Project. An abbreviated program allows her to continue playing Girl's Varsity Softball.  In her first week, she spent 17.5 hours in Pottery Studio. In her Weekly Reflection she commented that she has "learned to use different resources other than what I see other students make...I have explored the Internet and scanned books to look a the different styles and textures available in the world of ceramics."

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